“You are my heroes!”: NEBOSH Graduation and Awards Celebrations

“You are my heroes!” That was the message from guest speaker, Louise Taggart, to Diplomates at this year’s NEBOSH Graduation.
3 Jul 2019
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NEBOSH to start marking Certificate assessments in the assessment language

NEBOSH will soon start marking Certificate assessments in the assessment language, and as a result is looking for bilingual examiners.
4 Jun 2019
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NEBOSH to share story of its first major collaboration with HSE at Europe’s largest process safety conference

Two years after the successful launch of the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management, NEBOSH Head of Strategy Matt Powell-Howard will offer unique insight into the research, development and collaboration behind the qualification, in a presentation at Hazards 29, Europe’s largest process safety conference.
13 May 2019
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Hundreds of BP employees to study bespoke NEBOSH qualifications

BP, one of the world’s largest energy providers, has chosen to partner with NEBOSH in the development of two new bespoke qualifications for its employees.
9 May 2019
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Grow your business, protect your business with NEBOSH

Health and safety might not be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of entrepreneurs and SMEs. Yet the benefits of investing in this area can be wide reaching.
8 May 2019
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NEBOSH to showcase new Incident Investigation Qualification at Safety and Health Expo.

NEBOSH and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will be showcasing their brand new joint qualification at Safety and Health Expo from 18-20 June at ExCEL London.
7 May 2019
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